Alluvium Woods Voluntary Homeowner’s Association

Alluvium Woods Sub-Division of Voorhees, NJ 08043


Minutes of Meeting


Date:  May 10, 2012

Time:   7:00pm


Home of Bruce and Dawn Wallace

47 Timberline Dr


-Chairperson William Krouse called the meeting to order.


-The floor was opened up for people to speak, asking questions and making comments.  Meeting was held in a very orderly fashion with people raising their hands to be recognized before speaking.


-A suggestion was made to mail out a printed list of contributors to the non-contributors.  Some residents voiced their objections to this idea saying that this would be too aggressive.


-A suggestion was made for the Association to promote a Block Party for people to meet and unify the neighborhood.  Residents could sell hotdogs and bring their own alcohol.


-Some residents voiced their concern that the Association may at some point be addressing individual residences.  It was agreed to stress that this is a “Voluntary” Association that will never be mandatory and never be addressing individual residences.


-One resident asked about setting up an email network within the neighborhood for emergency purposes.  The Chairperson suggested and promised that a link to would be placed on the Association website at


-Many residents voiced their concern for a Master Plan.  The Chairperson will write a Mission Statement and a detailed Master Plan.  These will be posted on the Association website.


-There was one objection to having a list of contributors and the amounts of donations posted on the Association’s website.  It was explained that this is part of the “Open Books” policy that was not used by the previous management.  Holding the Association accountable for income will not work if donation amounts are hidden.  The Association encourages everyone who contributes to verify that their donation has been posted correctly. That is an important part of the verification and open book process.  Mistakes will be correctly immediately.  If anyone would like their names removed from this list, the Association will be happy to remove them as a courtesy but not by legal requirement.  However, the property addresses will not be removed. These are a matter of public Tax record and legally allowed to be published.  This can be confirmed at the government website below:

“New Jersey Tax Assessment Records Search”

If anyone would like a comment placed on the list next to their address, the Association will be glad to post it even if they are not a contributor. 


-It was suggested that we make up large "Contributors" signs to be placed on the front yard of each homeowner that contributes.  There were some objections to that idea.


-The Chairperson indicated that a second donation letter would be mailed to those who had not yet contributed.  That letter will contain a request for contributions and suggestions as well as informing residents about the occurrence of this meeting.


-There was an offer by two residents to walk and pass out flyers and notices in order to assist the Association when correspondence is needed.


-There were several concerns about building neighborhood unity through social events.  Chairperson suggested starting a Facebook page.   Resident Jason Lindsley volunteered to start the Facebook page for the Association.  A Link to the Facebook page will be added to the Alluvium Woods website.


-Comments were made indicating that many residents in the neighborhood think that their property taxes and the township are taking care of the neighborhood entrances.  Furthermore, they think that the Voluntary Homeowner’s Association is for social purposes and therefore they do not want to contribute.  There is clearly a need to communicate to the residents the understanding that the Association and the donations are paying to maintain the Entrances and NOT funding social events.


-Attendance Sheet was passed around for attendees to sign and provide names, physical addresses, and email addresses.  The homes represented in attendance were:


6 Martindale Dr.

3 Martindale Dr.

3 Justin Ct

8 Canterbury Ct

13 Hazel Ave

5 Brandywine Ct

1 Brandywine Ct

21 Las Brisas Blvd

52 Las Brisas Blvd

50 Las Brisas Blvd

75 Timberline Dr

73 Timberline Dr

1 Bexley Ct

33 Timberline Dr

37 Timberline Dr

45 Timberline Dr

47 Timberline Dr

5 Treebark Ter

7 Treebark Ter

14 Brownstone Blvd

2 Berkshire Dr


-Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.